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Becoming Grand Champs of IMechE UAS Challenge 2019

Students from National University of Sciences and Technology - Pakistan Navy Engineering College participated in the IMechE UAS Challenge 2019 earning the coveted title of GRAND CHAMPIONS of the event. Winning Moment Team NUST AirWorks is student team from NUST-PNEC Karachi that designs and manufactures unmanned aerial systems. Since 2016 the team has been participating and competing in several local and international competitions, gaining multiple success and awards along the way. The IMechE UAS Challenge is an event held annually inviting university teams to design unmanned aerial vehicles with the capability to aid human life in the form of Food+Medicine supplies during natural disasters. This year’s event was held from the 16-18 of June at the Snowdonia Aerospace Center, in Llanbedr, Wales, UK. A total of 32 teams from UK, Srilanka, Netherlands, Canada, Brunei and Pakistan participated in the challenge this year. Won awards in various other categories After making

Why Python and How to Install it?

Ok, so why on earth is coding a big deal?

It is a big deal because you humans are so inefficient and hard to work with. JK 😉

Coding simplifies our life
The daily computations, our investment schemes, our business schedule, our homework, and our lives are all coded. Just think of it like this, our body consists of several functional organs like liver, lungs, pancreas, and much more that I really think would be inappropriate to talk about. All of them are functional but with some coded instructions from our brain. Our brain is like a soup of neurons and hundreds of neurons have been trained to do some task all over the years of your growth.
Depiction of inter-connectivity among neurons
Depiction of inter-connectivity among neurons

They send electric impulses through our nervous system that controls our entire body. This gives us the ICONIC FIVE SENSES, and we'll talk about the sixth sense later on.

But still humans are inefficient
Humans are creatures that are meant to do mistakes and that's the primary reason we learn new things everyday. The values we have, the metrics that we use to measure those values are all the contributions towards the problem humans have. Emotions play a huge role which help us sometimes to get over with it that is to solve those problems, or just avoid them (which is highly not recommended). With all of this, humans lack concentrating properly and repeatedly doing a same task again and again. Irony is, this is what our educational systems want, and companies and industries want.

Firms want manpower, constant unstoppable manpower (highly inhuman). But if they want it, let's give it to them. If we can build a human robot and provide these jerks what they want, it would be win-win situation for them and you.

Knowledge of Computers is the future

If you have read all that above, you may now know why I am saying this. I agree, jobs are the problem because sincerely speaking all we want is to have a roof under wherever we live, have bread and water, have a good health, and a enjoyable peaceful life. We don't have jobs, a primary problem, because we are not trying to get one. Think about it! If firms want computer people, we can create these for them and open new wonders for young engineers, scientists, and investors. Knowledge is power, and knowledge of computers is necessary.

Python is a huge development

Yes you read it right. Python is a huge miracle that happened to planet earth. It is built to simplify our problems, create jobs, and create wonders. Initially we had Assembly Language likes of which you would study in your academics. Assembly is important and it is used in systems where we don't have word processors (a software where you are seeing these words). But for the job we have, the AI, small systems are not made for these and AI is not meant for these.

A question may arise, why not use the fastest programming language. A common argument that is. Yeah we should and we can write the entire AI in assembly but guess what if its the fastest, coding it would be extremely slow and error-full. Python here takes the charm. Its easy, sassy, excellent learning curve, and ensures best productivity.

Default way of Installation (Method 1) 

Mac OS X and Linux comes pre-installed with python. Windows users can download python from

To install Python, simply just run the executable. Make sure the version you download has to be Python 3.x


Installation from unofficial distributions (Method 2)

Installing all the necessary libraries might prove troublesome. Anaconda comes pre-packaged with all the necessary python libraries.

Download Anaconda from
Anaconda is completely free and includes more than 300 python packages. Both python 2.x and 3.x options are available.

Run CMD (for Method 1) Or Conda CMD (for Method 2)

When you have opened the CMD or Conda CMD, run python command. If you see something like this:
Python on CMD
Python on CMD

Then you have successfully installed Python and have entered the environment.
Now enter CTRL+Z to exit Python environment to install few libraries. 

If you have used Method 2 of installation, then you don't need to follow few next steps as Anaconda comes pre-installed with these API(s). If you have used Method 1 then run the following commands:

  • pip install numpy, matplotlib, pandas
  • pip install jupyter

This is done to install few important dependencies and API(s) to make coding easier just to ensure that our focus is on logic creation not on the syntax (primary reason to use Python in the first place).

Open Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is a well known, reliable and preferred Python Environment. These documents you are seeing are all created on Jupyter Notebook. In order to run it, open new CMD or Conda CMD and run the command:

  • jupyter notebook

And wait a while! A browser should open with Jupyter Notebook loaded fully. Now you can easily code on your web browser (i.e. NO IDE REQUIRED)


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